
Rieber reusable containers have replaced polybags

The ZEISS company is highly regarded worldwide for the quality of its optics and measuring equipment.

ZEISS Business Group Industrial Metrology is headquartered in Oberkochen. Here, the company manufactures measuring systems and sensors.

In addition to production, Oberkochen is the home of the Management Board, hardware and software development, product management and all administrative functions and services.

Gusto Gourmet manages catering and has now introduced Rieber’s reusable food container management with the digital CHECK TRACE system.

The 100% food-safe stainless steel GN reusable containers are used instead of the disposable polybag. The containers are used for marinating products, meat and salads and transporting meals and ingredients without repackaging.

  • The GN standard is known; containers are practical and easy to use
  • GN containers fit anywhere in the kitchen, servery counters or transport cart or in the Varithek® warming dispenser
  • There is no longer any need for disposable packaging, and the savings can be tracked with the CHECK TRACE system.

Rieber has also announced that it is to launch a POOLING SYSTEM so that any B2B customers can be supplied with the GN reusable containers.

Customers will use the GN reusable containers via a pay-per-use model without investing in the container infrastructure. Rieber is setting up a nationwide dishwashing and delivery service. Transactions are traced transparently using the digital CHECK TRACE system.

“We are looking for more partners,” says Rieber.

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  • No more disposable packaging
  • Savings in time and labour; no cutting open the bag, no sealing or disposal needed.
  • 100% food-grade stainless steel
  • 100% recyclable
  • hygienic, antiseptic & durable
  • GN is an existing standard in every kitchen

Process or output directly in the GN saves pouring & unpacking

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